I'm not an influencer #2 - Marrakesh

Traveling is undoubtedly one of the things I like to do the most.

I confess that I don't like to mark the trips, nor to make great plans, but for that I always have friends who give me the best tips and without many pressures, it happens.

I literally decided overnight to go to Marrakesh. Fulfilled almost everything (further ahead I explain thealmost’).

It is a city very rich in culture, full of history, vibrant colors and a unique architecture.

Absorbed with eyes but also felt with the soul. The first impression is chaos because people walk, motorcycle, bike and car through the streets - Simmm !!! All at the same time - still mixed with much disordered trade of completely varied articles.

The good thing is that we quickly realize that all this lives well together and is part of what arouses us so much curiosity through this city.

There was a list- they gave me, of course! - I couldn't, I didn't press myself to do it because I always think that the first time is to lose a little without pressures or complications, but I leave some places I liked a lot.

Must -see Marrakesh

· Souks - Lose in the middle of the confusion, from the El-fna. A must see for me is the Souk Place des Epices - which also has the baskets. In the heart of Medina, it is Place des Epices also called RAHBA LAQDIMAIt was already a market for the sale of grains and slaves, this old practice was eradicated in 1920.

Today, this place was transformed into souk outdoors. Traders and herbalisms are thus grouped in this super busy place where the colors and aromas of the spices are found.

· Jemaa El-FNA Square - It's Marrakech's central square and Medina's most important place. This is where Marrakech's public life unfolds, both day and night.

· Majorelle garden "It's worth so much but get ready to go early because I was full and queued to get in."

· Yves Saint Laurent Museum - Here is the 'almost everything' I spoke initially because I was temporarily closed for remodeling.

Fyi opens at 17.09.2022

· Le Jardin Secret - Simple, beautiful and good for sitting and resting a little in a cool place.

· El Badi Palace - I didn't get to go but the tip is.

· Bahia Palace - He also went to a next visit, just like the next places but had to share.

· Confluence Museum


Essential for this trip

Long dresses, that special linen shirt @imma, natural fabrics, comfortable shoes, protector and a lot of water!

Despite being a city rich in accessories nowadays I no longer let me take it easy for pieces that have a lot of shine in the culture we are in but then they are not easy to use in our daily lives, so for the trip I took it my favorite rings that you already know the combination not failure.

For the first dinner they had warned me that it was more 'tcharan' outfit for me there is nothing like a simple dress and risking us earrings and rings So I took one of my favorites of this collection

At the next dinner we continue on the same mood, simple but beautiful dress to die - who asked me so much from where it was - and unsurprising Kaoa.

Combined with one of our earrings best selling from this collection. O Necklace From which I never separated, neither day nor night, you already know because they have sold out (but they are more on the way).

I hope I have left good tips for a next trip. I leave the experience with restaurants for a next post,But I wait for you to share your favorite places with us.

Kiss Kiss



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